Halloween Costumes and Book Fairs

So all week I’ve been putting things together for my Halloween Costume for next Saturday. Last year I went as a Mathlete, see photo below.

It was a huge success, but this year the theme is dead musicians, so I’m going as Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes. That’s right the coolest member of TLC. I’m channeling the 90s Left Eye so I will be in bright colours, a huge hat, oversized clothes and doc martens with scrunchie socks. CAN’T WAIT!

Check out my Halloween Costume post over on Bookish Ardour.

Hopefully I’ll be looking something like this: (Left Eye on the right)

I will post photos after the event. This weekend I went to the Lifeline Book Fair in Gymea. I always head straight for the collectibles and rare finds section of the book fair and try to find as many classic copies of books I love. This year was no different and I found some pretty good books let me tell you. An awesome copy of Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a classic copy in a little cover of Treasure Island, a classic well-worn copy of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and some great gift’s for friends/family. I found an old school Kodak Photography Guide for my dad, a copy of Phantom of the Opera for my nan, a classic copy of Pride and Prejudice for my friend J-Dub and the beginnings of my Secret Santa gift. It was a great trip and I go every year, it’s always worth it. The money goes to a good charity and I get awesome cheap books/records. If you ever have a chance to go to one I highly recommend it.

I also went bed shopping today. I’m upgrading finally and can’t wait. But anyway, about to go out for dinner with an old friend, always a plus on a Sunday night when you’re in denial about going to school tomorrow. Hope you all had a great weekend and please leave a comment with your best Halloween costumes, or what you did this weekend!

Lack of Sleep= Lack of Posts

Hey friends.

So sorry for the lack of posting, I seem to say that every time I post. Maybe we should just all accept that I’m going to be one of those intermittent posters. Anyway, I’ve been posting for Bonnie on her blog every Sunday, my section is called Sunday Sessions and I write about teaching different novels at school. My posts have been fairly well received so it would seem so if you wish to check them out head on over to Bookish ArdourĀ and check out the rest of her blog too…it’s tres cool.

Sooo back to school yesterday. Did a 12.5 hour day! Woohoo! And who says teachers work 9-3? Seriously if you say that I’ll punch you. Yep 12.5 hours of which I think I only got paid for around the 7 hour mark. Oh the life. I tell you, being a teacher is living it up! Today was the first day back of classes and I hate to say it, but I missed those little crazy kids. They were all just so happy to be crapping on at me about their holidays it was hard to resent them for making me get up at 6am and drag my ass into school.

It’s going to be a long week but I have an excursion on Friday to see a play called Bassett which is apparently pretty damn good. I shall write a informal review for you once I have seen it and asked year 11 how they found it.

Not much else to report from the bunker. I rewatched season one of Community in the holidays with Bonnie, if you have not seen it, you must! Here is a little clip to get you hooked…

So hilarious, a definite must watch.

Hope you’re all enjoying your lives.

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