Photography and the like

I mentioned in an earlier post that I took up photography while ago. My dad use to be a photographer for Tracks Magazine, a surfing magazine which is still in print. So from a very young age I was interested in cameras and different types of photography.

I studied it all through high school and continued to dabble in it as I grew older. More recently I have taken up different types of photography. I own a Holga camera, a Nikon D60, and a Nikon CoolPix. I also use my Iphone to take photos and edit them using tilt shift effects. The Holga I use for double exposures mainly and for a different look, the Nikon D60 is for all purposes and takes amazing photos, but for going out at night where I can’t have a massive camera, I have my portable Nikon CoolPix.

I thought I’d add some of my photography, see if you like it, love it, or hate it. I’m up for all comments.

Nikon D60

Nikon Cool Pix

Iphone Edits

So there is a mix of my photography from my different cameras. I am soon to update my camera collection with a Fuji Instax Mini 25, stay tuned for those photos.